
The Choice

This blog has been rolling around in my mind for awhile but I just haven't taken the time to sit and spell it all out. When a thought stays with me for as long as this one has, I know that Jesus is speaking to me

I love children.

Anybody who knows me to any degree would agree. On any given Sunday, I can be found with at least one child attached to me. And many times throughout the week, I spend time babysitting and loving on kids

I have learned more from children than most anyone else.

There is one particular family I am close with. They have 4 children (soon to be 5!) ranging in age from 4 to 9. I have been keeping them for years now and can't imagine life without them. The youngest was a baby when I began keeping them and he has grown up knowing me- he doesn't know a time without me.

It was a few weeks ago at church when he came up and hugged me that I had a revelation.

When he was a baby, I would hold him and feed him and change his diapers. Basic baby stuff. And he loved me. He would smile and laugh and all the cute things babies do. But his love with not a mature love. He didn't know any different- his needs were cared for so he showed affection.

But as he (and his sisters) get older, there is nothing more beautiful and touching to me as when they walk in a room and just want to sit with me. As they get older, they see my bad days and moods and [many] shortcomings but still they choose to love me.

I used to think there was nothing more precious than the wonderful phases of a baby growing into a toddler and so on. But now, I have come to realize that there is nothing more precious than the moments they see me and still CHOOSE to love.

And really, they can make that choice because they are confident of my love for them. Yes, I care for their basic needs and feed them. But more than that, they know that I am for them. I will fight for them and protect them and defend them no matter what.

That all seems pretty simple

Until we stop and really think. Jesus sees us the same way. It says that heaven rejoices when even one sinner repents. But I think that Jesus rejoices just as much when we make the choice to set our gaze and affections upon Him. When we turn aside from the emotions and distractions and decisions that plague our life and choose to love Him and adore Him and lavish love upon Him.

He delights in our choice.