
Not forgotten

"I am not forgotten, I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten, God knows my name"

There's just something about that song...especially these last few months. It causes my heart to respond as remind myself that He still sees me.

Because, honestly, it can sometimes feel like I'm not seen.

I mean come on, I'm [almost] 27 and very much single. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the freedom and opportunity I have as a single person and the ability to serve and travel [and sleep] because I don't have the responsibility of family. But in a culture of well meaning people, there is a destructive message that bombards us singles constantly:

Just be content and [s]he will come.
As soon as you stop looking, God will bring them to you.

It's as if they are sending this message that I'm still single because I'm "not content". It can leave one feeling very over looked.

But then I remember...I am not my marriage status. None of us are.

I look around at my life. I see the community God has placed me in, the friends who have become family to me in these last few years and I know that He sees me.

It took 13 long years of waiting and growing and praying and learning and more waiting to finally take the step into full time ministry. But as I sit and look around at the people I'm surrounded by as we lift the church up each week in prayer and seek Him together, I know that He has not forgotten me. He has brought me to a place I not only dreamt of but was called to, but He did it in His timing.

My 13 years of waiting weren't because I wasn't good enough then or because I wanted it. Actually, those are the things that drove me deeper and caused me to want it more. If I learned anything from my years of waiting and walking into this life, is that even when I don't feel it or understand it or acknowledge it, He sees me.

There is no feeling more wonderful

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