
He alone is Secure

Welcome to life: unmasked, a blog link-up encouraging us to get real,take off our masks, and show how we are finding God (or how God is finding us) in our mess.

Life: Unmasked

I don't have a job. I quit it.
Right before I left for Ethiopia 6ish weeks ago
No back up plan
No second job

I know it's what God wanted
I prayed about it a lot before I made the decision
...and struggled
It didn't make sense. Nobody would understand.
How would I survive?

but in the end
I decided that upholding my character is more important than a paycheck
so I did what I had wanted to do for weeks 
I walked out

In the last 6 weeks, I've been looking for a job and waiting on the Lord
And I've walked in a greater measure of peace than I have in a very long time
...perhaps ever
I've learned what it is that He is my security.
That He is my husband and He will provide

and He has...
down to the last penny
And right now, I have only $93 in my bank account
which isn't enough to pay my phone bill
and electric bill
and medical bills
and gas...

But I've learned what it is to trust Him
money is not my security
money is not my happiness
money is not my peace
and until it was gone, I could have never experienced that in truth

I have an interview on Tuesday and am believing God t o bless it
and give me favor

and if I don't get it, I know that He will sustain me
He has been and will continue to
because my God is the same yesterday. 

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