
A Peace that Carries my Pain

I couldn't believe the words I was reading
I frantically read the text again, hoping I had misunderstood
"The baby is gone. He has no heartbeat"

No. This can't be happening.
He was fine at the doctor on Tuesday.
I had just been at her house the day before...
setting up the baby stuff
washing the little onesies and going through his toys
We had just talked about me keeping him on Saturdays and bringing him to church with me...he was supposed to be born in only 10 days

That night, I spent nearly the entire night awake
crying and praying for my dear friends, Chris and Sarah
pleading with God to do a miracle
Let him live
Do something. Please!

The next day,  I went to their home to take care of their other two littles ones while they were at the hospital. 
I waited anxiously to hear the news
hoping that they would do the c-section and he would breathe
that all of this would be a bad dream
...but it wasn't

Chris relieved me for awhile so that I could go to the hospital
I got to see baby Brantley. To hold him.
To love this baby we had all waited and prayed for
I held his mom's hand as she cried
and my heart broke into pieces

I felt so helpless.
I saw my friends broken and hurting
and could do nothing to stop it
nothing to make it better

I spent the rest of the day loving their littles ones at home
praying and doing my best to hold it together
I put away all the baby stuff I had help take out just two days earlier
it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life

And now, everyone tries to figure out what it is to move on
to heal and process and lift this wonderful family up
We press into Jesus, knowing that's all we can offer them

Our heart breaks.
We hurt for our friends
for this baby that never had a chance to live life

It's been a struggle
trying to figure out how to process
Desperately wanting to be ok...to be strong
Feeling like I shouldn't hurt
that I have no right when I see my friends hurting

But that's part of community
carrying the burden for each other
feeling the pain of another

There are moments I feel overwhelmed with pain
and can't fathom what they must be feeling

But I'm reminded of scripture
the "peace that transcends understanding"
I always thought that meant a peace that takes the pain away
a peace and makes everything fade
but I have a new understanding
it's a peace that carries my pain

The last few days, as I've struggled to understand
to find healing and peace
I come back to the same place again and again
...He is still GOOD...
even when I don't understand
when it doesn't make sense
He is still FAITHFUL

Pray for my friends, Chris and Sarah
this week they plan the funeral of their son
the pain is beyond comprehension
But our God is greater
Lift them up to the God who can heal
and restore
Pray for hope and peace
for comfort and a tangible outpouring of His presence
that they would know the love of Jesus

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